The 2024 Exhibitors

Every autumn, Goldsmiths’ Fair brings together a curated selection of the UK’s best contemporary jewellers and silversmiths. Each exhibitor has a unique approach to working with precious metals, fusing techniques and inspirations in innovative ways. Together, their work demonstrates the breadth and depth of talent in precious metalwork in the UK today.
Of 2024’s 136 exhibitors, we are excited to welcome 20 craftspeople that will be exhibiting at Goldsmiths’ Fair for the first time: 10 new exhibitors and the 10 makers that form the first cohort of the new Emerging Business Bursary scheme, which succeeds the Graduate Bursary scheme to reflect the many routes makers take to join the trade.
Meet each exhibitor and their practice through their exhibitor profiles and plan your visit to see them in person at the Fair.
Week One: 24 to 29 September | Week Two: 1 to 6 October 2024
(B) – Emerging Business Bursary recipients for 2024
Bold – New to Goldsmiths’ Fair
Week One
Adrian Ward (B)
Alice Fry
Alison Evans
Amanda Li Hope
Balint Samad (B)
Barnabas Taylor (B)
Brett Payne
Carola Solcia
Castro Smith
Catherine Hartley
Charmian Harris
Chris Boland
Clio Saskia
Colette Bishop
Deborah Cadby
Disa Allsopp
Edwin Charmain
Ella Fearon-Low
Ellis Mhairi Cameron
Elsa Sarantidou
Emefa Cole
Emmeline Hastings
Esther Eyre
Flora Bhattachary Genevieve Schwartz (B)
Gill Galloway-Whitehead
Gilly Langton
Hannah Bedford
Heather Woof
Holly O’Hanlon
Isabelle Capitain
Jacqueline Cullen
James Dougall
Jane Adam
Jean Scott-Moncrieff
Jessie Harris
Joanne Thompson
Josef Koppmann
Karen Westland
Karina Gill
Kayo Saito
Kristina Merchant (B)
Lindsey Mann
Liz Willis
Lucie Gledhill
Week Two
Abby Mosseri
Abigail Brown
Aki Mori
Alice Cicolini
Alma Sophia Grønli Geller
Ami Pepper
Amy Findlay
An Alleweireldt
Ane Christensen
Barbara Bertagnolli
Bola Lyon
Caitlin Murphy
Caius Bearder
Cameron and Breen
Catherine Mannheim
Catherine Martin
Chris Carpenter
Corrinne Eira Evans
Cristina Zani
Daisy Grice
Daphne Krinos
Darren Sherwood
Eileen Gatt
Emily Kidson
Emma Louise Wilson (B)
Epona Smith
Evgeniia Balashova
Faye Hall
Francesca Marcenaro
Grace Girvan
Graeme McColm
Hamish Dobbie
Heather McDermott
Huimin Zhang (B)
Inca Starzinsky
Ingo Henn
Jane Moore
Jed Green
Jessica Jue
Jo Pond
Jo Hayes Ward
Julia Lloyd George
Juliette Bigley
Justin Richardson
Kasun Ekanayake
Kathryn Hinton
Katie Watson
Kelda Young
Kyosun Jung
Lara Stafford-Deitsch (B)
Lucy Martin
Marcel Salloum
Maria Frantzi
Mark Nuell
Michael Carberry
Misun Won
Rie Taniguchi
Sarah Pulvertaft
Sarah Herriot
Scarlett Cohen French
Shinta Nakajima (B)
Susan Cross
Susi Hines
Tina Engell
Xinyi Chen (B)
Yeena Yoon
Yinglong Li
Yusuke Yamamoto