Applying for Goldsmiths’ Fair: my experience – Balint Samad

In his jewellery, Balint Samad (@balintsamad) references gem-setting traditions, but uses softer shapes and forms that give each jewel a distinctly modern twist. His years of training have allowed him now to break with tradition and create jewels that are as equally inspired by pop culture as they are by antique rings and lockets.
Balint successfully applied for Goldsmiths’ Fair 2024 and was the recipient of one of 10 bursary stands. The Emerging Business Bursary supports talent at the beginning of their career in jewellery and silversmithing.
We asked Balint about his application experience and what it meant to him and his business to exhibit at the Fair.

If you’re thinking of applying for Goldsmiths’ Fair and want to know more about the Emerging Business Bursary, read all the details here.
How many years have you been running your business?
Three years at the time of applying to the fair
What made you apply to the Fair?
Having visited the fair every year since entering the trade and working for craftspeople who have exhibited at the fair for years, I, like many others, view the fair as a prestigious platform to exhibit work and connect with my audience, and being fortunate enough to be selected to exhibit is a significant milestone in any craftsperson’s career.
How did you hear about the bursary scheme?
I was aware of the bursary scheme in its previous form when it was targeted towards graduates, however I entered the trade through an alternative route and was ineligible. I was going to apply anyway, but had noticed on the website that the scheme had changed to help a wider variety of makers get their foot in the door.
We’re so glad the new scheme worked for you, Balint! The Graduate Bursary scheme became the Emerging Business Bursary in 2024, as we recognised that makers follow many routes into the trade.
How did you find the application process?
The application process was straight forward and introspective. I went through many revised versions of my application to make it as interesting but concise as possible.
How did you choose which work to submit?
I had been selling through department stores since I started my business, so I had a valuable insight into what pieces customers sway more towards. However, Goldsmiths’ Fair is a good opportunity to push the boat out and try some new things, so I had a mix of best sellers and new pieces that hadn’t been shown anywhere yet.
How did you find the training given by the Goldsmiths’ Centre?
The training given by the Goldsmiths’ Centre was extremely useful to prepare for the Fair itself. They were able to provide us with valuable information about demographics of visitors, spending habits and details about range planning. Furthermore, we had access to industry experts for in-person and online training sessions.
Which aspect of the Emerging Business Bursary scheme did you feel was most valuable to you and your business?
It’s hard to choose just one aspect, just being on the bursary alone is a huge pull for returning Fair visitors to seek you out and make a beeline for your stand!
Was there anything about the Fair you wish you’d known? What’s your top tip for new applicants/exhibitors?
The bursary scheme really doesn’t leave any stone unturned; you have access to pretty much all the information you could need to prepare. However, the days at the Fair are fun, but long. Some well-timed breaks to stretch your legs and get to know the other makers doesn’t go amiss.

See Balint’s work on his website and Instagram (@balintsamad).
Find out more about applying for the Fair and our Emerging Business Bursary scheme